Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Live your Dream

Here's another video from one of the personalities that inspired me on my business and keep influencing more individuals worldwide on how not only to live your dreams but also to be prosperous because it is our birthright.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


If money was absolutely no object, how would you like to live your life?

Next step will be yours....so...whats next?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Musts vs. Shoulds

Our Brain is so powerful, and if you realize its potential you'll be dazzled on the possibilities you can give to your life. Having a target is a good sign and no matter what, your still gonna get there because you only need focus.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Our Business or our life also have seasons, the fact is we cannot control it so therefore we have to know it and do something about it. There are things that we can and cannot control. Here's another video that can inspire you to focus on what we can control.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Will's Wisdom

Pursuit of happiness is just one of the inpiring movies he made, but knowing the man who acts and his wisdom, now that's another thing. Check out ma' man for yourself.

I completely agree with Will, just keep running and dont listen to the small person in your head telling you to quit. Another thing is, of course experience is the best teacher, but our lifetime is not enough to make all the mistakes so why not learn from other peoples experience and prosper.

If you want something. Go get it period!

Will's Wisdom

Pursuit of happiness is just one of the inpiring movies he made, but knowing the man who acts and his wisdom, now that's another thing. Check out ma' man for yourself.

I completely agree with Will, just keep running and dont listen to the small person in your head telling you to quit. Another thing is, of course experience is the best teacher, but our lifetime is not enough to make all the mistakes so why not learn from other peoples experience and prosper.

If you want something. Go get it period!

Believe in Yourself

I was really inspired about this person, somehow I believe we can all relate to, everybody at some point in their life or probably right at this moment looses confidence, hope, and belief in oneself. Well...Don't be!

Hope that video serves an inspiration.
Let me know what you think.

Believe in Yourself

I was really inspired about this person, somehow I believe we can all relate to, everybody at some point in their life or probably right at this moment looses confidence, hope, and belief in oneself. Well...Don't be!

Hope that video serves an inspiration.
Let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Life of My Dreams

Living your dreams, the ultimate dream everybody has, why are we not achieving it, and what seems to be the problem?

Be careful what you think. Because Law of Attraction says: Whatever you think, you will attract.

The Life of My Dreams

Living your dreams, the ultimate dream everybody has, why are we not achieving it, and what seems to be the problem?

Be careful what you think. Because Law of Attraction says: Whatever you think, you will attract.